
An integrated formula of vitamin (B) complex, vitamin (K) and choline for an unprecedented effect on poultry production and immune system


  • Toplex is an integrated formula with an integrated effectiveness on feed conversion and egg production in broilers, laying hens and also breeder hens leading to solve problems of retarded growth, slow weight gain and inadequate levels of egg production and quality
  • Toplex is a necessary formula for optimum digestive function and also proper immune stimulation which greatly enhances performance and productivity of poultry, obviously decreases mortality rate and increases survivability and livability
  • Toplex improves several mechanisms of immune system response such as release of various cytokines and also supports production of different types of immunoglobulins leading to a general promotion in resistance against various diseases and infections in poultry farms
  • Toplex increases capabilities of poultry of tolerating heat stress and all of its detrimental effects on poultry production and general performance
  • Toplex supports hatchability and fertility in breeder hens through prevention of cases of dead in shell chicks and early embryonic mortality leading to a marked increase in hatchability rate

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