- Hiroval is an integrated formula that supply poultry with important components for their growth leading to increasing the rate of weight gain in broiler chickens, and also enhancement of disease resistance
- Hiroval supports broilers production due to its role in increase of appetite and feed efficiency which positively reflects on feed conversion ratio (FCR) and growth rates of broiler chickens
- Hiroval has a strategy in enhancement of the gut health based on competitive inhibition among beneficial and pathogenic organisms in the gut of poultry resulting in elimination of pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridia, Salmonella and E-coli which has a large positive impact on feed conversion and growth performance
- Hiroval has a lipotropic factor that acts on fat metabolism by hastening removal or decreasing deposition of fat in liver, as it plays an essential role in fat metabolism in the liver that prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty livers) by promoting its transport as lipoprotein and lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver which has a positive reflect on growth performance
- Hiroval increases the length of villi and the depth of crypts of the intestine leading to a better absorption of feed which enhances the feed efficiency leading to improvement of growth rates of broiler chickens
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