- Obtrazolt is a strong toxin binder that stimulates degradation of mycotoxins which leads to total removal of their adverse effect on performance and production of herds of livestock
- Obtrazolt has a significant effect against ochratoxin A, as it can hydrolyze the amide bond of ochratoxins (OTA) to produce non-toxic products such as phenylalanine and ochratoxin α, also it destroys aromatic rings in its chemical structure
- Obtrazolt stimulates intestinal mucosal barrier function as it helps in establishing a balanced microflora in the intestine. Moreover, it is able to bind infectious agents and their toxins as well as mycotoxins. The simultaneous enhancing of the intestinal mucosal barrier function prevents these toxins from entering the systemic circulatory system and also the metabolic damage that would ensue
- Obtrazolt has a special aflatoxin-degrading activity as it is able to utilize the polyaromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene as a sole carbon source, and efficiently and irreversibly remove and degrade Aflatoxin B1
- Obtrazolt is also able to produce the aflastatin A, which effectively prevents the biosynthesis of aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus
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