- Mixival supports the process of digestion and absorption leading to high feed efficiency which improves the quality of production in broilers through prevention of impaired feed conversion resulting in a major increase in weight gain, growth rate and feed conversion ratio (FCR)
- Mixival increases absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium leading to enhancement of meat production in broilers and egg production in layers and breeders
- Mixival is important in growth and development of bone and also in prevention of rickets and osteomalacia due to its role in improvement of calcium and phosphorus bioavailability which improves bone mineralization
- Mixival stimulates the immune system and immune response and improves the ability of poultry to resist various types of diseases which increases the survival rate and reduces mortality in poultry farms
- Mixival has an antioxidant effect that acts as a scavenger for free radicals in the body leading to a large improvement in disease resistance and productive performance