- Mac-Ford is an important formula which increases appetite and stimulates feed intake and weight gain which leads to a great improvement in growth performance and feed conversion in herds of beef cattle
- Mac-Ford reduces ruminal acidosis which is a disorder characterized by depressed ruminal pH, anorexia and lethargy. This important role is due to its ability to maintain optimum pH range, and also normal growth of cellulolytic organisms in the rumen leading to optimization of fiber digestion, and consequently improvement of absorption of feed which improve feed conversion and growth performance in herds of beef cattle
- Mac-Ford improves digestion of carbohydrates in the rumen which leads to reduction of the acetate : propionate ratio which means increased production and availability of energy for nutrient utilization, growth and foetal development in pregnant cows, also lower acetate : propionate ratio improves ruminal fermentation efficiency as energy is available for rumen microbes activities
- Mac-Ford modulates lipid metabolism enzymes and antioxidant activity of the liver which leads to improved feed conversion, promotion of growth and reduction of muscular and hepatic fat levels
- Mac-Ford allows the wider use and higher inclusion of locally available protein sources, as it improves and enhances protein digestibility which support production of beef cattle
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