
Flumict is a novel product containing several phytochemical compounds which act in synergy with each other to prevent incidence of poultry common flu leading to improvement of poultry resistance, elimination of pathogens that cause common flu and reduction of mortality rate in poultry farms

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  • Flumict is a novel product containing several phytochemical compounds which act in synergy with each other to produce a strong immune stimulation leading to improvement of disease resistance and reduction of mortality rate in poultry farms due to poultry common flu
  • Flumict eliminates the symptoms of poultry common flu such as edema and cyanosis in the comb and wattles, diarrhea, nasal discharge, soft-shelled eggs and decreased egg production, sneezing and lack of energy and appetite
  • Flumict greatly reduces nasal discharge, facial edema and conjunctivitis, growth impairment and loss in egg production in case of Infectious Coryza, an acute respiratory disease occurs in broiler chickens and layers that causes increased numbers of culls and marked reduction in egg production
  • Flumict has a strong antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus which kills and degrades the bacteria leading to reduction of respiratory symptoms accompanied by the infection and also reduction of replication of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), where the presence of Staphylococcus aureus increases replication of AIV in the body of infected poultry
  • Flumict plays an important role in inhibition of respiratory symptoms resulted from E. coli infections such as airsacculitis through its role in boosting levels of type I interferons (IFNs) which induce Immune-Responsive Gene 1 (IRG1), an interferon stimulated gene (ISG) that generates itaconic acid, an antimicrobial metabolite that effectively restricts the growth of intracellular bacteria such as E. coli

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